Founder & CCO
SB Design is a creation positioning which is founded on design - as its key tool in the exclusive brand building. A wise and multi-cellular design proposal, holding both the physical and digital world. A process from essence to the final result. A new way to look at the creation job, valuing the techno-biological symbiosis, through a flexible and unlimited way.
A totally exclusive job proposal, developed in a different way for each profile, considering their proposals and singular characteristics - always prioritizing a quality that overcomes expectation and respecting deadline agreed.
Connected to few and excellent specialists from different areas in the market. Knowledge is aggregated and activated according to the project need; being able to interact, co-create and interact from wherever they are. Thinking together in different ways to do what has been done, guarantees an innovative and exclusive result that can be applied to different goals and companies of different sizes and areas of operation.
For 10 years i have worked in small design offices and in big advertising agencies. I have created for remarkable brands, such as red-bull, coca-cola, tim mobile, benq-siemens, bat. Simultaneously, i have csllaborated to art and fashion projects - fashion passion, são paulo international art biennial, besides expressive publications related to the segment. For all my career, my jobs have been recognized due to my perfectionism and sharp intuition. This intuition is my differential on the search for aesthetics shape harmony and for the interest for new formats in everything that i consider conventional.
I understand that the design – evolution relation is the best tool to analyse the convergence between technology and human intelligence – the point in history where things will really become different. I want to exist where the primitive converges with modern, without barriers, separation or competition. The point in history where everything is intrinsically connecte to the truth.
Sandro Bianco